Hours and Policies
School Hours
The office is open from 7:30am-3:30pm Monday-Friday.
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
8:00a - 3:10p Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Late start Wednesday 9:00a - 3:10p
Arrival/Dismissal Supervision
Students are asked not to arrive early, this means more than 10 minutes before the bell unless they are eating breakfast. Students are also asked to leave the school grounds immediately upon dismissal, unless involved in prearranged after school activities.
Students should stay on the North and South sides of the building where adults on duty provide supervision. Parents will be contacted if students regularly show up to school before supervision is available. We ask that parents call to let us know if they are running late to pick up their student so they can remain in the front office after outside supervision is done.
Regular attendance at school is necessary for each child to achieve maximum academic and social success. Students with good attendance generally achieve higher grades and enjoy school mores.
Should it become necessary for your child to be absent from school, please call the Berthoud Elementary Attendance Line (970) 613-7590 at any time to inform us of your child's absence.
If we have not heard from you, attendance calls will go out at 8:30am M, Tu, Th and F and 9:30 on Wed to establish the whereabouts of your child. If your child is going to be late, you may also call that information in to the attendance line; please indicate if your student will need a school lunch, hot lunches need to be ordered by 8:20am (9:20 am on Weds). Students arriving late to school are required to check in to the office before going to their classroom. Students not signed in by a parent/guardian will receive an unexcused tardy. Please read the district attendance policy for multiple absences that can be found in the "rules and policies' link to your left.
Leaving Messages for Students
Please make sure transportation arrangements are made PRIOR to the student attending school each day. Transportation changes may be written in a note for to their teacher or in your child's agenda. This communication will help the end of day business for the front office and our students confidence that they know what to do after school each day. If a student is riding the bus home with another student, then the parent has to fill out a "permission to ride school bus with another student" form which can be found on the transportation's department link on TSD's website.
Visitors to Berthoud Elementary
Parents are always welcome at Berthoud Elementary. Feel free to eat lunch with your child at school. Prior to arrival, you must check in with the front office to sign the visitor's log and wear a visitor's badge. Please remember to arrange a separate meeting with the teacher should you wish to discuss issues specific to your child rather than attempting to talk to the teacher about your child during a school day visit. While younger siblings are welcome in the VITAL room or the cafeteria, they need to be supervised by the parent at all times while on school grounds.
Volunteering at Berthoud Elementary
If you would like to volunteer to chaperone a field trip, work in your child's classroom or be a frequent visitor to eat lunch with your child, you will need to register as a Vital Volunteer on the TSD website. You can click on the "Community" tab and then click on "Volunteer - Get involved."
For more school rules and policies please read the discipline code and see the "rules and policies" link to your left.