Student Handbook
On-task and responsible
Achieve your best
Principal's Message
It is our belief that close cooperation between home and school is essential to promoting the best learning situation for your child. A relationship that is built on meaningful and respectful communication will benefit all of our students. Even in these uncertain times, we encourage parents and guardians to communicate with our school, ask questions and to be involved in our school community.
Personalized Learning at Berthoud Elementary will empower students through collaboration, choices, and a growth mindset, to become engaged and self-directed learners.
School Office
Name | Contact Name/Number |
Principal | Melanie Patterson |
Secretary | Angie Adair |
Attendance Clerk | Rebecca Hirsch |
Health Office | |
Office Phone | 613-7500 |
Attendance Line | 613-7590 |
School Hours
8:00 am – 3:10 pm
(9:00 am – 3:10 pm on Wednesdays)
Office Hours
7:30 am – 3:30 pm
Breakfast Hours
7:40 am – 8:00 am
(8:40 am – 9:40 am on Wednesdays)
Breakfast will be available in the school cafeteria.
- Arrival and Dismissal
- Attendance
- School Meals
- Medication and Emergency Information
- Celebrations
- Personal Items
- School Rules and Discipline
- Dress Code
Arrival and Dismissal
Students must not arrive before supervision begins at 7:40 am.
At the end of the day, students will exit from classroom exterior doors.
Students are asked to leave the school grounds immediately upon dismissal, unless involved in the YMCA child care program, accompanied by an adult, or other prearranged after school activity.
Kindergarten students arriving from 7:40 am – 7:50 am may be dropped off in the fenced playground area in front of the school. If arriving after 7:50 am, Kindergarten students will arrive at and enter the east building exterior door for a Soft Start transition, until the school day begins at 8:00 am. Students who do not arrive by 8:00 am must be signed in at the main office entrance in front of the school to ensure their safety. There will be no entry at classroom exterior doors in order to maintain school security.
Grades 1-5
Students in grades 1-5 may use the playground and play safely outside before school from 7:40 am – 7:50 am. Students arriving after 7:50 am will enter at the west, north, or east building entrance designated for their homeroom class. Students who do not arrive by 8:00 am must be signed in at the main office entrance in front of the school to ensure their safety. There will be no entry at classroom exterior doors in order to maintain school security.
Regular attendance at school is necessary for each child to achieve maximum academic and social success. Students with good attendance generally achieve higher grades and enjoy school more. Should it become necessary for your child to be absent from school, please call the Berthoud Elementary Attendance Line (970) 613-7590 as soon as possible to inform us of your child’s absence. If your child is going to be late, you may also call the attendance line. Please contact us prior to 8:00 AM to indicate whether your student will need a lunch. Students arriving late to school are required to check in at the front door before going to their classroom. Students not signed in by a parent/guardian will receive an unexcused tardy.
School Meals
School Breakfast Program
Berthoud Elementary participates in the Nutrition Services Breakfast Program.
This is an optional program, and parents are encouraged to decide if they want their children to participate. Breakfast will be served daily, between 7:40 AM and 8:00 AM (and 8:40 AM and 9:00 AM on Wednesdays) in the school cafeteria. Cafeteria expectations are in place during breakfast. Due to space limitations, parents/guardians are unable to join their children for lunch or breakfast. Parents may sign students out for lunch, bring lunch and eat with students at tables outside the cafeteria or eat with children outdoors.
Free and Reduced Meals
All meals will be provided free for all students this school year. Applications for free and reduced breakfast or lunch are still encouraged due to other eligibility, and available at any time during the school year. These forms are available online (and in the office if you don’t have access to a computer), and should be returned to the office when completed. It is important to complete the application in full, including all members of the household, their income, and social security numbers of family members over the age of twenty-one.
Cafeteria Expectations
A large number of children come through the lunch line each day. Because of the number of children in the lunchroom at any one time, each class is assigned to a table. Due to space limitations, parents/guardians are unable to join their children for lunch or breakfast. Parents may sign students out for lunch, bring lunch and eat with students at tables outside the cafeteria or eat with children outdoors. Behavioral expectations are follows:
- Use manners when interacting
- Talk quietly
- Walk at all times
- Do not share or trade food
- Clean your area before leaving
Medication and Emergency Information
Students who must take medications during the day must have parents provide the school with the medication in its original container/prescription bottle with a doctor’s note that includes dosage, storage instructions and the time to be given. A parent signature is also required. Students must come to the office for medication. The nurse/health aide logs all student medication given. Students are not allowed to carry over-the-counter medication-this must be checked in through the health office; Tylenol, Advil, Tums, etc., if they have it in the original container, carry only one day’s dose, and have a signed and dated note from the parent with them. The student must self-administer this medication per district policy.
Emergency Information
The office must have on file the student’s current home address and phone numbers, alternate phone numbers, and email address that can be used in emergency situations. It is imperative that the office is able to contact parents.
School Parties
In accordance with district procedures, there shall be no individual birthday parties at school. In an effort to be fair to each child and to ensure that there is no pressure or expectation that would make individual students feel uncomfortable, we ask that no birthday treats/snacks be sent to school. Teachers will recognize students’ birthdays in their classroom. School staff will not distribute party, or other invites, so please do not send them with your child. We know that each family will celebrate birthdays at home in accordance with their own traditions.
Bringing Food and Treats
Berthoud Elementary will allow snacks to be brought to school during teacher approved classroom celebrations (Winter Break and Valentine’s Day). The snacks must be store bought (can not be homemade).
In an effort to limit disruption to learning, special deliveries (flowers, balloons, etc.) will be held in the office for the student until the end of the school day.
Personal Items
Personal Items and Toys
Berthoud Elementary staff encourages students not to bring toys, electronics, games, I-pods etc. from home. These items have a tendency to get lost, misplaced, or broken, and can also cause distraction or conflict between students. The school will not assume liability for toys and electronics brought from home (including playground equipment). If a student brings a ball from home, the expectation is that all school rules will be followed. Arrangements can be made for parents to pick up any home items from the school office or principal if they are determined to be a distraction to the learning environment.
Bicycles, skateboards, inline skates, scooters, etc. may be used as transportation to and from school, but may not be ridden on school property. Riders need to dismount or remove the skates at the edge of the school property and store these items out of the way in the classroom or outside on bike and scooter racks during school hours. Bikes and scooters need to be parked in the designated bike racks. Locks are highly recommended, and the school will not be responsible for theft or damage. Students who misuse this privilege will be asked not to bring these items to school for the remainder of the year. Shoes with retractable wheels (“heelies”) may not be worn to school for safety reasons.
We do not allow students to trade personal items, exchange gifts, lend money, or sell items to each other while here at school. Problems often arise from this kind of activity, therefore it is not allowed.
Cell Phones and Wrist Phones
We ask that all adults turn cell phones off/ silent when they enter the building, to prevent disruption to the learning environment. Additionally, students may not use cell or wrist phones at school. Cell phones and electronics must be powered off and out of sight upon arrival, and until students have exited the building at the end of the school day. The office will assist with necessary parent communication during the school day. Electronics and phones accessed without approval during the school day may be secured for the student until the end of the day by the teacher or the office. If you have further questions please contact the principal.
School Rules and Discipline
Berthoud Elementary School Rules
We each agree to be responsible for our own learning. This includes: being prepared for school each day; arriving at school on time and attending regularly; completing assigned work; and demonstrating the motivation and effort necessary to learn.
We agree to not interfere with another person's right to learn. Some examples of actions that do interfere with this right: talking loudly in the classroom, halls, and lunchroom; running in the building; using play equipment in an unsafe manner; and bothering others when they are trying to listen or work.
We agree to make school a safe place by promising to follow common sense safety rules. A few examples of things that we agree are unsafe include: physical aggression, fighting and wrestling; running in the building; throwing hard objects (rocks, baseballs, school materials or supplies); throwing snowballs; sliding on the snow and ice; and standing on or jumping off the swings.
We agree to show courtesy and respect to each other at all times. Some examples of inappropriate behavior include: booing others; using obscene and profane language and gestures; interrupting repeatedly; ignoring adults in authority; choosing to not follow rules; talking loudly and disrupting others; name-calling, and using insults.
Bullying will not be tolerated at Berthoud Elementary School. The school district has updated the definition of bullying as set forth by Board Policy JICDE:
Bullying is defined as the use of coercion to obtain control over another person or to be habitually cruel to another person. Bullying can occur through a written, verbal or electronically transmitted (cyberbullying) expression or by means of a physical act or gesture. Bullying is prohibited on district property, at district sanctioned activities and events, when students are being transported in any vehicle dispatched by the district or one of its schools, off school property when such conduct has a nexus to school or any district curricular or non-curricular activity or event.
We agree to respect the property rights of the school and other individuals. Some examples of behavior that violates this rule includes: intentionally dirtying bathrooms; throwing food; writing on furniture and walls; littering; stealing; defacing displays of student work; and using another person’s property without permission.
We agree to be problem solvers. Some examples of problem solving include: attempting to solve conflicts with others; working cooperatively with others toward a common goal; and trying to alleviate issues before they become problems.
Playground Safety Rules
- Stay within the boundaries of the playground at all times.
- Be safe and be kind, keeping the rules in mind.
- Use all playground equipment as it is intended to be used.
- Follow the directions of those adults providing playground supervision.
- Play games appropriately. The school will determine which games are allowed on the playground during school hours.
Student Discipline
Berthoud Elementary sets high expectations regarding student behavior. Each staff member is committed to the goal of helping all children develop individual self-control and self-discipline, leading to maturity and responsible citizenship. The principal, staff, and students have established reasonable rules and guidelines for conduct with the above goal in mind. Rules and expectations regarding student behavior are regularly discussed and reviewed to ensure student understanding. It is our belief that in all situations, parents and the school must work together to ensure positive student development. The focus of discipline is to emphasize positive, responsible decision-making, and to provide an opportunity for teaching and learning. Consequences for poor student conduct can include a loss of privileges or service to the school.
We use a problem-solving approach to correct poor student choices that includes:
- defining the problem or incident
- determining the student’s role in the problem or incident
- identifying alternative behaviors
- developing consequences
- deciding how the problem can be corrected in the future
There are also situations when serious consequences for misbehavior are necessary. These situations may include, but are not limited to:
- infringing upon the rights of others to learn
- degrading a teacher’s status and efforts
- actions which harm other students
- interfering with the operation of the school
These actions will be subject to discipline, which may include possible suspension from school, by the principal or dean.
Students are entitled to due process, which requires notice of the charges against the student, and an opportunity to be heard.
These disciplinary procedures are outlined in Thompson School District’s Discipline Code.
Dress Code
Berthoud Elementary School follows the Thompson School District Student Dress Code policy JICA:
A safe and disciplined learning environment is essential to a quality education program. District- wide standards on student attire are intended to ensure that all students are treated equitably and benefit from a safe learning environment. The Board of Education recognizes that students have a right to express themselves through dress and personal appearance and the responsibility for the dress and appearance of students generally rests with the student and their guardians. However, students shall not wear apparel that is deemed disruptive or potentially disruptive to the classroom environment or to the maintenance of an overall safe and equitable school environment for all students. Students are expected to dress appropriately for all school activities. The following general guidelines will be in effect:
- Shoes, sandals, or boots must be worn in the buildings in order to avoid injury and disease.
- Students must wear tops (shirts) and bottoms (pants, sweat pants, shorts, skirts, dresses, leggings)
- Traditionally known private parts of the body must be covered with non-transparent material. Sunglasses, bandanas and/or hats may only be worn inside the building with permission from an administrator
- The following will not be allowed: Any clothing, paraphernalia, grooming, jewelry, hair coloring, accessories, or body adornments that are or contain any advertisements, symbols, words, slogans, patches, or pictures that:
- refer to drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or weapons
- are of a sexual nature
- by virtue of color, arrangement, trademark, or other attribute denote membership in gangs which advocate drug use, violence, or disruptive behavior
- are obscene, profane, vulgar, lewd, or legally libelous
- threaten the safety or welfare of any person
- promote any activity prohibited by the student code of conduct
- are racist in nature or include derogatory comments or slurs against groups of people
- otherwise disrupt the teaching-learning process
Any student deemed in violation of the dress code shall be required to change into appropriate
clothing or make arrangements to have appropriate clothing brought to school. In this case, there shall be no further penalty.
Hats, caps, and other headwear are not to be worn in the school building without administrator approval. They may wear hats at recess. We do have certain spirit days that will give them the opportunity to wear a hat indoors.
The staff and principal reserve the right to determine whether clothing is distracting, or inappropriate for the school environment.